疫情发生期间,在国内民众“自我隔离”安全、有序共抗疫情之时,部分外媒对中国疫情的不实报道引发海外消费者的恐慌,已经有国外消费者开始拒收中国产品。仍在工作的外贸人一定免不了与客户沟通如何回复客户发来的问候?如何知会他们相关订单的进展?外贸企业又该如何回复客户如何应对?今天江门华企立方小编就来给大家分享以下英文表达来回复有关于疫情信函。 通知假期延长: Affected by a novel coronavirus, our government announced all enterprises will remain closed till February 9. 或:our government announced it will delay resumption of work to February 9. Your understanding and support will be highly appreciated. 通知已下单客户货期可能会延迟: Apparently the coronavirus issue will not be resolved in short period, we are afraid that the schedule of your order may be changed due to the delay of production. We'll keep you updated. 或已经确定延误:We regret to inform you that the delivery will be delayed due to the novel coronavirus. We'll keep tracking the status and try our best to expedite. Sorry for the inconveniences caused and thanks for your patience. 告知物流迟缓原由及对应的解决措施: Hello, thank you very much for your concern!Meanwhile, we regret to inform you that the shipment will be delayed due to the outbreak of the disease. However, don't worry, we will continue to follow up the logistics progress, timely inform you of the delivery of the package. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding.If you have any other questions, please contact the customer service. Thank you! 如客户2月有来华计划可委婉劝说迟些再来: 告知复工时间后:To avoid any negative impact, I suggest that you may consider delaying your trip to China. 如有客户受海外社媒谣传: 告知事实,不传谣,不造谣,如实告知疫情现状及较新进展:In fact, the outbreak is not as serious as reported by foreign media, mainly in the wuhan area, are under control. The Chinese government has been taking measures to deal with the spread of the disease. We have the confidence to defeat it! 我们回复客户时要正能量,如果有很多悲观情绪也会传递给客户,这将影响客户采购计划,中国的外贸出口需要各界同仁共同维护,加油!江门华企立方利用Bossgoo线上营销平台优势在帮助大家共同渡过难关!